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7 March 2011 – The Coalition Against Corruption respectfully asks Congress to expedite the impeachment
process involving Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez for the sake of truth and justice.

Two years ago we said that our country needs an Ombudsman who is a skilled administrator, a
committed public defender, a staunch protector of whistleblowers and victims of corruption, a
paragon of independence and integrity, and a sentinel of justice. After six years in office,
Gutierrez has failed to show that she embodies these qualities.

She is now accused again of unreasonable failure to take prompt action on a wide variety of
corruption cases. At this point, the impeachment process is the only opportunity she has to
prove her accusers wrong or to face the consequences of her betrayal and incompetence.

The Coalition Against Corruption expects the employees of the Office of the Ombudsman and
our legislators to protect the best interests of the people and not their own vested interests.
They must send a clear message to the public that they will not tolerate erring public officials. If
they fail us again, we believe the Filipinos will rise up to demand for a trustworthy, capable, and
credible Ombudsman who will genuinely serve the people and not the powerful.

Ateneo School of Government
Bishops-Businessmen’s Conference for Human Development
CBCP-National Secretariat for Social Action, Justice, and Peace
Caucus of Development NGO Networks
Dilaab Foundation
Makati Business Club
Management Association of the Philippines
National Citizens’ Movement for Free Elections
Transparency and Accountability Network
Christian Life Community of the Philippines
NGO/PO Caucus for Development, Inc.
N4NM (Negrenses4NoynoyMovement)
Oroquieta City Coalition Against Corruption
Former Senior Government Officials (FSGO)
Anti-Graft and Transparency Advocate of Surigao Inc. (AGTASI)

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