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28 November 2017 – REBUILDING MARAWI TOGETHER—The Bangsamoro Federal Business Council (BFBCI), Makati Business Club (MBC), and Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP) formalize a tripartite partnership for the rebuilding of war-torn Marawi City. The partnership aims to provide a framework of collaboration for the three parties for the implementation of programs and projects in Marawi and other conflict-affected areas in Mindanao. It also seeks to promote community participation in the recovery and rehabilitation efforts. MBC and PBSP were among the various organizations which recently launched the United for Marawi Consortium early this month. In photo during the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding are (first row, from left) Edgar Chua, MBC Chairman; Datu Nasraili Conding, BFBCI President; Br. Armin Luistro FSC, PBSP President; Reynaldo Antonio Laguda, PBSP Executive Director; (back row, from left) Maria Roxanne Lu, MBC Programs and Projects Unit Director; Abdul Hannan Tago, BFBCI Executive Director; Sibanah Menor, BFBCI acting Chairman, and Datu Mahruf Bahjin, BFBCI Board Member.