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09 October 2020 – Pasig City today started a weeklong project to get residents,  workers and students to co-create their own traffic and transport regulations. Under discussion: whether to turn streets into biking, walking, retail, and restaurant areas to allow safe social activity and livelihood especially during COVID-19. 

Speakers were led by Anton Siy, Pasig’s Chief Transport Planner, and Colin Megill,  founder of the AI-powered survey platform Pol.Is. has been used to get citizen inputs in  Taiwan, New Zealand, Seattle. ABS-CBN journalist Gretchen Ho, shared stories from her #DonateABikeToSaveAJob project, which provides bicycles to delivery workers and frontliners.

The survey will close on 17 October. The results will be discussed a week later, on October 23, led by remarks from Mayor Vico Sotto and U.P. Political Science Professor Aries Arugay.

Makati Business Club and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung are assisting Pasig with the project.

Voting is open now!