03 June 2021 — Makati Business Club, in partnership with the Embassy of the Netherlands and Ayala Foundation, celebrated World Bicycle Day with a discussion on the Dutch film “Why We Cycle” and how the private sector can help achieve more bike-friendly cities, as well as the official launch of the “Wheels For Work” donation drive. The event was “World Bicycle Day: Bridging Advocacy and Action.”
In the discussion, Pieter Terpstra of the Embassy of the Netherlands, Ann Angala of the Bikers United Movement, and Myles Delfin of the Bike Scouts Project shared information and examples of bike lanes, bike parking, and end-of-trip facilities like showers.
Managing Director of foodpanda Philippines Daniel Marogy also shared, “Specifically for us here at foodpanda, promoting the use of bicycles is actually very good business. It is a cost-effective way of transportation, requires relatively low capital investment, and typically seeks lower maintenance costs.”
Ruel Maranan, President of the Ayala Foundation, announced the Wheels For Work donation drive. This is a collaboration between MBC, Ayala Foundation, Embassy of the Netherlands, to provide new bikes to Filipino educators in need of safe and sustainable transportation to get to work. “This is a very practical way of addressing a lot of these mobility issues, so that we could make sure that the teachers, students, and the parents would be able to really continue promoting education particularly in these times,” said Maranan. Within the day, Nexus Technologies Inc. made the first donation for 10 bikes and helmets. Decathlon, the sporting goods chain, will supply the bikes and helmets.
“What is really remarkable, and it’s also shown today, is the sense of community around the promotion of cycling in the Philippines. You have the government, the private sector, and civil society coming together and engaging around a common goal to improve traffic, enhance cycling possibility, and ensure the safety for cyclists,” added Terpstra.
This webinar is an activity under the Business For Biking Program, a joint initiative of MBC and the Embassy of the Netherlands to make biking easier and safer for Filipinos who bike to work or for whom biking is work. This means more jobs, livelihood, and business opportunities, accelerating recovery from the pandemic.