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Planet vs Profit
How ESG's Environmental Framework
Impacts the Future of Business

MBC and CIPE Planet vs Profit: How ESG's Environmental Framework Impacts the Future of Business

25 January 2023 — Executives need to start or scale up their environmental strategies sooner rather than later because a crisis could hit their brand and business anytime, Temasek Chief Sustainability Officer Steve Howard said at a Makati Business Club event. 

“The cost of inaction is more dramatic and worse than the cost of action,” Howard said at MBC’s “Planet vs. Profit: How ESG’s Environmental Framework Impacts the Future of Businesses” event on Jan. 25 “You can be paralyzed as a business leader, thinking there’s too many choices. You just have to get stuck in and do it, and you have to take some risk in the process. Unleash the entrepreneur in you, and take some risks on it, because standing still is not an option.”

Howard was part of a panel that included Columbia University Prof. Caroline Flammer and John Davis of South Pole, an environmental project developer, funder, and consultant. They exchanged views on the different ways businesses can engage with civil society and the wider business community to come together as a collective and spur systemic change through policy and collaboration with government.

The event, which marked Zero Waste Month, was part of MBC’s ESG Executive Series, a partnership with the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), an independent, non-profit affiliate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The forum was attended by participants coming from the academe, national and local government agencies, agriculture, energy, chemical, utilities, consulting and research sectors.

“We take sustainability and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) reporting as a requirement for businesses, anything but the smallest of businesses it’s a sort of given that they should do that.” Temasek’s Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) Mr. Steve Howard declared

Watch the ESG Executive Series

Walking the Talk :
Business for Anti-corruption Initiatives

Anti Red Tape Authority’s (ARTA) Secretary Ernesto Perez , PwC Philippines Chairman Emeritus Atty. Alexander Cabrera, Royal Cargo Inc. Chairman and Group CEO Mr. Michael Kurt Raeuber, and ARTA’s Atty. Alex Martirez led the session discussion.

Planet vs. Profit: 
How Envi Framework Impacts the Future of Business

Temasek Chief Sustainability Officer Steve Howard, Columbia University Director for Sustainable Investing Research Initiative Caroline Flammer, South Pole Asia-Pacific Director John Davis, and AC Head of Business Development and Digital Innovation Jaime Alfonso Zobel de Ayala led the discussion.