25 March 2019

Makati Business Club supports the efforts that Manila Waterworks and Sewerage System, other authorities, and Manila Water Co. are taking to investigate the water shortage that occurred this month in order to alleviate the situation, take steps to avoid or limit a repeat, and determine accountability and responsibility.

MBC recognizes that it is critical for the government, the concessionaires, and other stakeholders to develop long-term solutions for both supply and demand. MBC stands ready with other business organizations to gather business sector inputs and support for these efforts. The most important among these solutions are to prioritize the development of and streamline the approval process for new water sources, but also include more efficient usage.

MBC reiterates its confidence in public-private partnerships in general and, in particular, the privatization of Manila’s water system, which is considered a model around the world. Our members suffered with the rest of public, from the shortage of water in our homes and our businesses. But service is indisputably better than before privatization. We are confident  in the resolve of the concessionaires and regulators to make all efforts to improve reliability in the months and years ahead.