Global Events 2024
Global Leaders Series 2024
For Stronger Businesses and More Jobs, We Need to Go Global
Everyone wants the Philippines to be the economy people are talking about, with growing, innovative businesses, creating more and better jobs for more Filipinos.
There are many ways to get there, mostly out of the control of the business sector. What can be controlled is this: To think, act, and compete more globally. To get and apply the best ideas from around the world, not just our silos. To sell to the world, not just ourselves. To build bigger businesses that can uplift more Filipino lives.
The MBC Global Leaders series is designed to give Philippine executives the chance to meet and learn from world leaders in business, technology, and other fields. MBC’s events give leaders the chance to talk with members for more depth.
AI's Impact on Industries
On February 20, Microsoft Asia President Ahmed Mazhari met with MBC members in the 3rd installment of MBC’s “Global Leaders” series. Mazhari spoke on the impact of generative AI over the last year. He shared which industries have been impacted the most and how businesses can practice the responsible use of AI.

Sustainable Infrastructure in the Philippines
On May 10, ACCIONA Chairman and CEO José Manuel Entrecanales shared how the Philippines became the company’s hub in Southeast Asia and how sustainability is fundamental to ACCIONA’s ethos.
*To follow: Press release and more photos

Courtesy Call to the Ambassador-Designate of Italy
On September 10, On September 10, MBC paid a Courtesy Call with the Ambassador-Designate of Italy to the Philippines Davide Giglio. He was joined by Commercial Attache’ Antonio Macaluso.

Dinner with Thai Ambassador Tull Traisora
On September 9, Thai Ambassador Tull Traisorat hosted an intimate dinner with 14 representatives from Thai companies. MBC Chairman Ed Chua, MBC Trustee Lito Tayag, Women in C-Suite Committee Chair Aileen Judan-Jiao, and Audit Committee Member Boyet Murcia, and Executive Director Bobby Batungbacal attended the dinner.

Breakfast Forum with the Australian Business Mission
On September 6, MBC co-hosted a Breakfast Forum with the Australian Business Mission to the Philippines, led by Ms. Shemara Wikramanayak, CEO of Macquarie Group. She was joined by high-level representatives from 15 Australian companies from agribusiness, resources, infrastructure, and digital sectors.

AI Governance: Insight from Global Tech Leader
On March 8, MBC’s “AI for Business” roundtable discussions commenced with IBM Executive Director for Product Management, Data, and AI Heather Gentile. Gentile highlighted the responsible and ethical use of Artificial intelligence (AI) in the business sector and the importance of the role of women in tech. This meeting is in line with MBC’s celebration of Women’s Month—putting a spotlight on key women leaders in various industries across MBC initiatives in March.

Joint Membership Meeting
On March 12, Sec. Raimondo is on a 2-day visit to the country for the Presidential Trade and Investment Mission, which aims to strengthen U.S-PH ties in trade and investment, particularly on clean energy transition, critical minerals sector, and food security. MBC Vice Chair Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala introduced Sec. Raimondo while MBC Women in C-Suite Chair Aileen Judan-Jiao is moderating the Fireside Chat with the U.S Secretary.

Investment and Challenges:
Perspectives from the Region
On March 15, 2024, MBC organized back-to-back meetings on Investment and Challenges: Perspectives from the Region with representatives. In the first session, Policy Advisor to the Cabinet Secretariat of the Japanese Government Mr. Toshio Oya discussed new Japanese technologies on solid grid management, remote agriculture, and transport, among others. The discussion also touched on the role of the Anti-Red Tape Authority in facilitating ease of doing business.

MBC-PSBC Meeting with Singapore Minister for Foreign Affairs
On April 16, MBC Board Members and Philippines-Singapore Business Council members met with Singapore Minister for Foreign Affairs Vivian Balakrishnan. Dr. Balakrishnan was in the country to kick off the commemoration of 55 years of Singapore–Philippines diplomatic relations. He is joined by his wife, Joy Balakrishnan, and the Ambassador of Singapore to the Philippines Constance See.

Business Breakfast with the New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon
On April 19, MBC co-organized New Zealand- Philippines Business Breakfast with the New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon. Prime Minister Luxon was accompanied by Minister of Climate Change, Simon Watts and business representatives from Fonterra, Comvita, and Beca, among others.

Cybersecurity: Shifting the Balance of Power Back in the Defender's Favor
On April 23, Global cybersecurity leader and Palo Alto’s Regional Chief Security Officer Siddharth Deshpande discussed key trends, strategies, and technological innovations cyber defenders can utilize to protect companies and their communities from the increasing threats of cyber attacks. This roundtable discussion was held in partnership with Palo Alto Networks (PANW).

AI & ERP Synergy:
Pioneering Tomorrow's Business Landscape
On May 7, Oracle NetSuite’s VP of Solution Consulting Damian Khoo, Country Manager Jack Yeo, and Solution Consulting Director Sanjoy Roy conducted a live demonstration on the practical use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems.