
Comment of MBC Exec. Dir. Peter Perfecto on the Inauguration of President Rodrigo Duterte and Vice President Leni Robredo

    30 June – We laud President Rodrigo Duterte’s first order to all Cabinet secretaries to reduce requirements and processing time of all applications across all agencies and remove redundancies in these requirements and to respect the sanctity of contracts.

    We further laud his statement that the country will honor all existing treaties and international obligations. We are encouraged as well by his call for inclusivity in the ongoing and other peace processes, particularly of indigenous peoples.

    Philippine Business Group – Joint Foreign Chambers (PBG-JFC) Letter to President Aquino

      The Philippine Business Groups and the Joint Foreign Chambers (PBG-JFC) applaud the social, political, and economic reforms of your administration since 2010. These reforms have gained for the country unprecedented improvements in competitiveness, attractiveness to investment, and an overall boost in the Philippine image in the eyes of the international community.