
Business Groups Statement on the ABS-CBN Franchise

We the undersigned business organizations express our strong support for a balanced, fair and timely consideration of the bills filed by several lawmakers on the renewal of ABS-CBN Corporation’s broadcasting franchise. We fervently urge Congress to judiciously address any issues raised against the company while taking serious account of the bedrock issues of media freedom and free enterprise, which allow businesses to flourish for the overall welfare of our economy and our people.

Statement on the PISA Results

Makati Business Club joins Philippine Business for Education in its statement on the results of the 2018 Programme for International Students Assessment (PISA). We will answer its call for the private sector, civil society, and academia to work with the government on transformative solutions.


Makati Business Club supports the decision of President Duterte and his economic managers to maintain the rice liberalization policy even as they help farmers by improving mitigation measures and investigating reports of hoarding. We and other business groups are ready to assist the government with those.

Statement on VP Robredo Joining ICAD

Makati Business Club notes with hope President Duterte’s offer and Vice President Robredo’s acceptance of the co-chairperson position in the Inter-Agency Committee on Anti-Illegal Drugs (IADC). MBC hopes the President and Vice President work together to strengthen the rule of law in the war on drugs and provide more rehabilitation, education, and other programs to curb drug abuse, which the business community is ready to support.