
Pasig Online Assembly on Open Streets: Closing Activity

    In the course of a week and a half, over 500 Pasig residents, students and workers from more than 60 organizations made their voices heard in the first AI-driven digital consultation in the Philippines. Apart from sharing their opinions on Open Streets, residents also raised concerns on traffic congestion and illegal parking through the voting platform.

    Pasig Online Assembly On Open Streets: Opening Activity

      Pasig City today started a weeklong project to get residents, workers and students to co-create their own traffic and transport regulations. Under discussion: whether to turn streets into biking, walking, retail, and restaurant areas to allow safe social activity and livelihood especially during COVID-19.

      Impact Investing and Social Entrepreneurship in Crisis Time

        Rebuilding the economy through inclusive business and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was the focus of a web forum organized by MBC and the Philippine Development Foundation (PhilDev) with the support of Australian Aid (AusAid) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

        Click For Care: The Telemedicine Solution

          Telemedicine allows medical consultations to resume while addressing patients’ — and doctors’ — COVID-19 related safety concerns. In a webinar hosted by MBC, in partnership with the Philippines-Malaysia Business Council and Malaysian Embassy, Kuala Lumpur-based DoctorOnCall, shared the barriers, benefits, and best practices of telemedicine.